The Weight Loss Project

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Welcome Ladies!

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Beginning

I am your typical, American woman, mother of five and domestic goddess. I will call myself "Elena". Like many mothers in my situation, my body isn't what it used to be. I'm in desperate need to lose the weight I gained.

Now when I say "desperate" I don't mean I'm going to do anything harmful to my body and join pro-ana websites. I want to do this the right way.... healthy, steady, consistant. I'm just tired of my body aching more than it should with all the extra weight. I'm tired of looking in the mirror wondering who that chubby woman is.

I currently weigh 180 lbs. I could lose 25 pounds and be a happy 155 pounds, which I was before I got pregnant the first time. I could lose 40 pounds and be my ideal weight, 140lbs., or I could lose 50 lbs. and be at my dream weight.... the ever-elusive 130 pounds. (Just for the record, the lowest I've ever weighed in my adult life is 123 lbs. when I was too poor to afford food in college.)The task--even just 25 pounds--seems so daunting.

This is why I started this blog. I need help. . . advice, support, counsel, etc. I keep failing on my own. I can start off well, but then within a few weeks I fall. When I was single it wasn't as hard, but now that I cook and shop for a husband and five children, I find it quite difficult.If there's anyone out there reading my adventures and confessions on my weight loss journey, please let me know. Could definitely use the help!



Current Weight: 180 lbs. (Ugh!)

Tip o' the Day: Watch less TV, under 2 hours per day. (But I'll admit, it's so difficult with the Olympics going on. Maybe I can do sit-ups and watch?)

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