I was reading a friend's blog--she's a personal trainer--and she was giving her weekly menu. On there it had alfalfa sprouts...and I thought to myself, I just can't do this. There's got to be another way to lose weight besides eating grass. Soooo, this is what I came up with...
Below are some suggestions of things to try to implement in your life. And it has to be a lifestyle change because diets don't work as far as I've observed. Just try doing ONE of these and little by little the weight will come off. Implement more of them and more dramatic results. I'm going to be doing these as well. Good luck!
1. Water, water, water. Drink water before eating. Often times when we think we're hungry, we're really thirsty. (Tip: Sometimes I add those flavor packets, about 20 calories each, and they make drinking water very yummy. I get my "sugar fill" without the guilt.)
2. Don't drink soda... not even the "diet" stuff. It's not only unhealthy, but some studies have shown that it makes you crave eating more. (See #1.)
3. Eliminate chips, especially potato chips. Think of all the grease they're cooked in. Now imagine that grease and fat on your thighs and tummy. Eww! Mentally talk yourself out of liking them. Tell yourself how gross they are and use the greasy fat imagery. (I did this and now I can't eat chips anymore. They seem so digusting.)
4. Don't eat fast food. Most fast food is LOADED with calories. Sure you can order the healthy stuff, but do we really have the self-control to do that? And yes, I know it's quick and convenient, but try avoid it as much as possible.
5. Lose the sweets. This one is hard for me, but getting rid of sugar (for the most part) will seriously slim a person down. All the candy, cookies, cakes, brownies, ice cream etc. just keep adding the pounds.
6. Eliminate dairy products. Ok, if you do this one completely, you'll have to add calcium supplements. Things like cheese, ice cream, milk (yes, even in cereal), etc. doesn't help us to lose weight. When I was in S.Korea teaching English, I hardly ever ate dairy products. (Koreans have different foods.) And ya know what, I couldn't keep my pants on...because I kept losing so much weight!
7. Add more veggies to meals. This can be an easier one. Raw veggies are hard to get used to, especially at first, so... add non-caloric or low-caloric flavorings like spices, lemon/lime juice, BBQ sauce, mustard, salsa, etc. Asians are especially known for yummy, savory veggies. Try looking up Asian veggies (Thai, Korean, Japanese, etc.) for some ideas.
8. Don't eat after 8:00pm. Ok the REAL rule is eat for 12 hours, then take a break for 12 hours. For example, if you start eating at 8:00am, finish eating at 8:00pm. I just recently started doing this, and the pounds are coming off...yay!
9. Exercise. You know I couldn't forget this one. Yah, sometimes it's a drag, but think of how good you'll look in your skinny jeans. And if exercising gets boring, as it often does, here are a few tips: exercise with a friend, use Wii Fit, buy an exercise video (or even cheaper, borrow from the library)... there are some really fun dance ones out there too (hip-hop, belly-dancing, Dancing with the Stars, etc,).
GOOD LUCK! And I'd love to hear your suggestions for this list.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Erika's Thoughts...
Below is Erika's Log. Here are here stats, goals and thoughts... (Thanks, Erika! Make sure you keep checking in with us.)
Current weight: 138
Goal weight: 120
Measurments: bust 36
waist 32
hips 36
thighs 22
BACK side 37
What I'm doing? I'm working out, doing body sculpting and pilates at the gym and on Saturdays I'm running, training for a 10 mile race. I'm doing this with a friend. We're actually training for a marathon that's in Nov. But between now and then, we're signing up for races. 10 miler, 1/2 marathon, 6 mile and then the marathon.
I can't diet. I absolutely cannot diet. However here's my tip. Run. Jog if you have bad knees. Do a jog/walk thing if you have to. And if you need motivation, sign up for races. And what's worked for me, since I hate doing anything cardio in a gym: do the body sculpting and pilates classes. They'll strengthen your muscles and if ANYTHING ELSE give you a boost of confidence to go forward with the weight loss.
It's easier for me to forgo the chocolate when I just came home from doing a pilates class. I can't diet, but if I FEEL in shape or better about myself, it's different. Like telling a loser boyfriend to get a life cuz I'm suddenly too good for him.
Current weight: 138
Goal weight: 120
Measurments: bust 36
waist 32
hips 36
thighs 22
BACK side 37
What I'm doing? I'm working out, doing body sculpting and pilates at the gym and on Saturdays I'm running, training for a 10 mile race. I'm doing this with a friend. We're actually training for a marathon that's in Nov. But between now and then, we're signing up for races. 10 miler, 1/2 marathon, 6 mile and then the marathon.
I can't diet. I absolutely cannot diet. However here's my tip. Run. Jog if you have bad knees. Do a jog/walk thing if you have to. And if you need motivation, sign up for races. And what's worked for me, since I hate doing anything cardio in a gym: do the body sculpting and pilates classes. They'll strengthen your muscles and if ANYTHING ELSE give you a boost of confidence to go forward with the weight loss.
It's easier for me to forgo the chocolate when I just came home from doing a pilates class. I can't diet, but if I FEEL in shape or better about myself, it's different. Like telling a loser boyfriend to get a life cuz I'm suddenly too good for him.
I Generally Avoid Temptation... Unless I Can't Resist It!

Confession: The other night my little girl started eating a candy bar, a German chocolate to more specific. Well... she didn't want to finish it... so I did. Ugh! It tasted soooo good! But didn't help my efforts any.
But the point of my blog today is this... DON'T EVER GIVE UP!
Yes, I had a weak moment, but that didn't mean I had to end trying to lose weight. I had a roommate who was trying to lose weight. She'd go to the gym and try to eat well but for months she hardly lost a pound. However, she never stopped trying. I ended up moving away, and many months later, went back and saw her again, and you know what? She had lost a considerable amount of weight. ...She just never gave up. In fact, almost everyone I know that just kept consistantly exercising and trying to eat right, eventually lost weight. It may have taken them 6 months or 2 years, but they all succeeded. So whenever there are set backs, let's keep going!
Current weight: 174 (dropped 6 pounds since I started this blog this month...YAY!)
Workout: Housecleaning (no joke!)
Tip o' the day: Instead of sauces, creams, gravies and such to add flavor to food, try lemon or lime juice, salsa or mustard. Each of these is low in calories and adds a nice flavor to food.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Good Tips
Here's today's log, from rc3w's commentary...very good advice!
Current weight: 177 lbs. (lost a pound again...YAY!)
Work-out: Dancing with the Stars Video
BUST: 43
RIBS: 36
HIPS: 42
"Here are some other tips:
1. Consider going to a NUTRITIONIST or DIETICIAN to really learn how your body works as far as processing foods. There may be something you are taking in that is keeping the pounds on...something you would think is healthy for you when really it's not!....such as #2....
2. Cut out COW Dairy: Although loaded with calcium, COW dairy is loaded with proteins that are NOT easily digestible in the human body. Do a search online and look into the benefits of excludiing COW dairy from your diet....try alternatives like GOAT dairy, soy or Rice products. Supplement if you need to to get daily requirements for calcium and folic acid.
3. Keep track of what you eat and drink for one day and you will see just what and how much you are taking in! Seeing it in front of you on a daily basis will help you make better food/drink choices.
4. Exercise!...just do it!! force yourself!!!
5. Snacks...try nuts and dried fruit to satisfy munchies. It's lots of fiber and nuts are a great source of protein!
6. Lastly, if you feel like late night munchies, go up to your bedroom to read a book or catchup on emails, or whatever! Just get away from the kitchen and the TV. OR...if you want to watch TV, do it while walking on the treadmill, using an exercise ball or lifting weights. If you are doing something "busy" with your hands, you can't be putting food in your mouth!!! :)"
Current weight: 177 lbs. (lost a pound again...YAY!)
Work-out: Dancing with the Stars Video
BUST: 43
RIBS: 36
HIPS: 42
"Here are some other tips:
1. Consider going to a NUTRITIONIST or DIETICIAN to really learn how your body works as far as processing foods. There may be something you are taking in that is keeping the pounds on...something you would think is healthy for you when really it's not!....such as #2....
2. Cut out COW Dairy: Although loaded with calcium, COW dairy is loaded with proteins that are NOT easily digestible in the human body. Do a search online and look into the benefits of excludiing COW dairy from your diet....try alternatives like GOAT dairy, soy or Rice products. Supplement if you need to to get daily requirements for calcium and folic acid.
3. Keep track of what you eat and drink for one day and you will see just what and how much you are taking in! Seeing it in front of you on a daily basis will help you make better food/drink choices.
4. Exercise!...just do it!! force yourself!!!
5. Snacks...try nuts and dried fruit to satisfy munchies. It's lots of fiber and nuts are a great source of protein!
6. Lastly, if you feel like late night munchies, go up to your bedroom to read a book or catchup on emails, or whatever! Just get away from the kitchen and the TV. OR...if you want to watch TV, do it while walking on the treadmill, using an exercise ball or lifting weights. If you are doing something "busy" with your hands, you can't be putting food in your mouth!!! :)"
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Bewitching Hour
I have a friend that recently lost a huge amount weight. Of course, envious as can be but happy for her, I asked how she did it. She gave me several general tips. They were:
1. Don't drink soda. (Check, already live that way. So why aren't more pounds coming off?)
2. Use lemon juice. (This is instead of sauces, salad dressing, etc., especially on fish, veggies and such.)
3. Don't eat after 8:00pm.
These seem simple enough, especially the first two... but the last one...ouch! I guess that's one of my weaknesses. I like to eat later. Call it my "after-dinner-snack". But I know that that's probably the reason I haven't been losing pounds. I should just quit after dinner. Or, if I want a healthy snack, just eat it before 8:00pm. Also, I noticed the later I stay up at night (which is common for me), the more I'm tempted to eat late at night. I have a friend who also struggles with eating late. He called it "the bewitching hour" because he would get extremely tempted to eat after 9:00pm. It's gonna take a bit of will-power to do this until it becomes a habit, but I so desperately want to lose the weight!
How 'bout y'all? Does anyone else have problems with late-night snacking?
Weight this morning: 177 (lost 1 pound...wa-hoo!)
1. Don't drink soda. (Check, already live that way. So why aren't more pounds coming off?)
2. Use lemon juice. (This is instead of sauces, salad dressing, etc., especially on fish, veggies and such.)
3. Don't eat after 8:00pm.
These seem simple enough, especially the first two... but the last one...ouch! I guess that's one of my weaknesses. I like to eat later. Call it my "after-dinner-snack". But I know that that's probably the reason I haven't been losing pounds. I should just quit after dinner. Or, if I want a healthy snack, just eat it before 8:00pm. Also, I noticed the later I stay up at night (which is common for me), the more I'm tempted to eat late at night. I have a friend who also struggles with eating late. He called it "the bewitching hour" because he would get extremely tempted to eat after 9:00pm. It's gonna take a bit of will-power to do this until it becomes a habit, but I so desperately want to lose the weight!
How 'bout y'all? Does anyone else have problems with late-night snacking?
Weight this morning: 177 (lost 1 pound...wa-hoo!)
Old Friends
I miss you old friends. When I look at you, my heart aches. I want to be with you again. There was a time when we weren't weren't comfortable with each other. When I was single we were very close. Even after I got married we maintained a good relationship. Suddenly when I got pregnant I noticed the distance. It was me who pulled away, but you were always there patiently waiting for me to come back. You always added such color and style to my life. When it comes to friends, you were always a perfect "10". Now I'm hanging out with others, "12"s and "14"s. I'm quite comfy with my new friends, but I sure miss my perfect "10"s. We'll be together again; I promise. Just give me time to feel like myself again. You always were and always will be my beautiful size 10 clothes.
Current weight: 178 lbs. (lost 2 lbs.) Yay!
Tip o' the Day: Water, water, water! At least 100 oz. per day.
Current weight: 178 lbs. (lost 2 lbs.) Yay!
Tip o' the Day: Water, water, water! At least 100 oz. per day.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Initial Inspiration
I watched the movie, "Julie & Julia" a few weeks ago and that inspired me to start a blog. Like Julie Powell, I didn't know anything about blogs. Looking back, I now realize I read quite a few blogs, mostly friends' blogs. I didn't understand the world of blogging and its possibilities until I saw the movie. So, I'm going to see if this thing really works.
Gentle readers, if there's anyone reading this--especially if you find yourself in a similar situation--please let me know who you are.
Current Weight: 180 lbs. (Will it ever come off?!)
Tip o' the Day: Pray for help. God CAN help our efforts.
Gentle readers, if there's anyone reading this--especially if you find yourself in a similar situation--please let me know who you are.
Current Weight: 180 lbs. (Will it ever come off?!)
Tip o' the Day: Pray for help. God CAN help our efforts.
Julie and Julia,
weight loss
The Beginning
I am your typical, American woman, mother of five and domestic goddess. I will call myself "Elena". Like many mothers in my situation, my body isn't what it used to be. I'm in desperate need to lose the weight I gained.
Now when I say "desperate" I don't mean I'm going to do anything harmful to my body and join pro-ana websites. I want to do this the right way.... healthy, steady, consistant. I'm just tired of my body aching more than it should with all the extra weight. I'm tired of looking in the mirror wondering who that chubby woman is.
I currently weigh 180 lbs. I could lose 25 pounds and be a happy 155 pounds, which I was before I got pregnant the first time. I could lose 40 pounds and be my ideal weight, 140lbs., or I could lose 50 lbs. and be at my dream weight.... the ever-elusive 130 pounds. (Just for the record, the lowest I've ever weighed in my adult life is 123 lbs. when I was too poor to afford food in college.)The task--even just 25 pounds--seems so daunting.
This is why I started this blog. I need help. . . advice, support, counsel, etc. I keep failing on my own. I can start off well, but then within a few weeks I fall. When I was single it wasn't as hard, but now that I cook and shop for a husband and five children, I find it quite difficult.If there's anyone out there reading my adventures and confessions on my weight loss journey, please let me know. Could definitely use the help!
Current Weight: 180 lbs. (Ugh!)
Tip o' the Day: Watch less TV, under 2 hours per day. (But I'll admit, it's so difficult with the Olympics going on. Maybe I can do sit-ups and watch?)
Now when I say "desperate" I don't mean I'm going to do anything harmful to my body and join pro-ana websites. I want to do this the right way.... healthy, steady, consistant. I'm just tired of my body aching more than it should with all the extra weight. I'm tired of looking in the mirror wondering who that chubby woman is.
I currently weigh 180 lbs. I could lose 25 pounds and be a happy 155 pounds, which I was before I got pregnant the first time. I could lose 40 pounds and be my ideal weight, 140lbs., or I could lose 50 lbs. and be at my dream weight.... the ever-elusive 130 pounds. (Just for the record, the lowest I've ever weighed in my adult life is 123 lbs. when I was too poor to afford food in college.)The task--even just 25 pounds--seems so daunting.
This is why I started this blog. I need help. . . advice, support, counsel, etc. I keep failing on my own. I can start off well, but then within a few weeks I fall. When I was single it wasn't as hard, but now that I cook and shop for a husband and five children, I find it quite difficult.If there's anyone out there reading my adventures and confessions on my weight loss journey, please let me know. Could definitely use the help!
Current Weight: 180 lbs. (Ugh!)
Tip o' the Day: Watch less TV, under 2 hours per day. (But I'll admit, it's so difficult with the Olympics going on. Maybe I can do sit-ups and watch?)
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